Online Value Stream Mapping


BASICS® Lean Value Stream Mapping: An interactive, self-paced, modular, virtual training teaching the importance of value stream mapping as well as instructing how to create them. You will learn how to transform from the current state to the ideal state. You will also be given a tool to help align kaizen bursts into a prioritized […]

Online Lean Foundations


BASICSâ Lean Foundations Course: A comprehensive, self-paced, modular, virtual training instructing how to use Lean analysis tools, and certifying you to implement Lean in your company based on the Business Improvement Group’s Shingo winning  BASICS® Lean Implementation Model.   PURPOSE: Realize the importance and value of One-Piece-Flow vs Batching Have a demonstrated capacity of lean principles […]

Virtual Lean Peer Group #30


Build a Lean Culture to Ensure Long-Term Success MWCC has held regional Lean Peer Groups throughout Maryland since 2012. This program is now available to organizations regardless of company location. Lean applies to any type of organization and processing environment. Whether you are a manufacturer, distributor, service organization, or a non-profit, this program should be part of […]

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